Health ProtectorGuard


Supplemental to Medical Insurance


Fixed Indemnity Insurance for age below 65



It pays for hospital confinements, surgical services, outpatient services, Rx, and much more. 

Health ProtectorGuard Indemnity Plans

These plans are termed as Health ProtectorGuard (abbreviated as HPG to show these plans) have a combination of a set of supplemental indemnity insurance plans and are designed to work with your main insurance plan. These indemnities provide financial protections to pay you in cash fixed coverage benefits upon defined occurrences to reduce your out-of-pocket costs of deductible, coinsurance, and other expenses related to your hospitalization, surgery, health emergencies and help you pay for other incidental expenses.

The set of indemnities have three categories of coverages as follows:

  • Wellness, Office Visits, and Rx Brand/Generic prescriptions. It is abbreviated as WORx.
  • Hospital, Surgical, and Outpatient/Lab.
  • Telehealth & More having Network Discounts. Customizable combination of plans come with Telehealth inclusive. See here for details of basic Telehealth plan.

Key Features of Health ProtectorGuard Indemnity Plans

Open the brochure here to see features and details.

There are twelve levels of plans in increasing order of coverage of benefits and premiums:

  • HPG Choice 1: $1,000 per day for hospitalization (unlimited days) plus Rx benefits defined in three levels: WORx Level 1, WORx Level 2, and WRx Level 3.  Est. Monthly Premium: $90.30,
  • HPG Select 1: $2,000 per day for hospitalization (unlimited days), plus Rx benefits defined in three levels: WORx Level 1, WORx Level 2, and WRx Level 3. Est. Monthly Premium: $123.18. 
  • HPG Preferred 1: $3,000 per day for hospitalization (unlimited days), plus Rx benefits defined in three levels: WORx Level 1, WORx Level 2, and WRx Level 3. Est. Monthly Premium: $156.48. 
  • HPG Premier 1: $5,000 per day for hospitalization (unlimited days), plus Rx benefits defined in three levels: WORx Level 1, WORx Level 2, and WRx Level 3. Est. Monthly Premium: $202.55.  

List of Benefits under each level of twelve plans

Hospital Services

  • Inpatient Hospital Confinement
  • Inpatient Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or Critical Care Unit (CCU)
  • Inpatient Physician Visits (maximum during Inpatient Hospital Confinement)
  • Emergency Room (maximum per calendar year)
  • Ambulance- Ground or Water (maximum per calendar year)
  • Ambulance-Air (maximum per calendar year)

Surgical Services

  • Outpatient Facility Fee (maximum per calendar year)
  • Surgeon: 7-Tier Surgical Schedule (unlimited days per calendar year)
  • Assistant Surgeon
  • Anesthesiologist

 Doctor Visits

  • Office Visits/Urgent Care Visits for injury or illness: Benefits per visit (maximum per calendar year)
  • Second Surgical Opinion (maximum per calendar year)


  • Wellness/Preventive Care Visit (maximum per calendar year after initial 6-month waiting period)

Pharmacy Services

  • Maximum Rx Fills Per calendar year (Brand and Generic): Its combination of Discount Card or fixed payment on monthly refills.

 Outpatient Services

  • Outpatient Lab/X-ray, Non-preventive/Non-routine: Benefit per test (maximum per calendar year)
  • Outpatient Diagnostic Imaging Services (Benefit per test (maximum per calendar year)
  • Oral Chemotherapy: Benefit per month (maximum per calendar year)
  • Outpatient Chemotherapy and Radiation – Non-Oral: Benefit per day (maximum per calendar year)

Highlights of Policy Details

  • Eligibility and Renewability: At the time of application, applicant and spouse must be between 18 – 64 years of age. (Drop off on 65th birthday). Children between 0 – 25 years of age are eligible (drop off on 26th birthday).
  • Notice of Claim: Must be filed within 30 days of the commencement of hospitalization.
  • Filing of Claim: Must be done within 90 days or as soon as reasonably possible.
  • Preexisting Conditions: For first 12months of the policy, hospitalization benefit is not covered.
  • Underwriting: These plans are subject to health underwriting. Must give accurate information in the application.

Network of Providers

 Look up PPO doctors here. 

I want to sign up. How should I go about?


Open Brochure to select combination of coverages for WORx Level and Hospital Benefit Level.  Then, click on Quote and Sign up button here to open page on UnitedHealtcare® site. Quote and Sign up here


Under Health coverage, select Health ProtectorGuard (Supplemental) 


Use filters under Narrow down Plans to see plans of your interest. Then, select combination of the Plan and WORx Level.


Click on side arrow View more details > to see the details of your selections of WORx Level, and Hospital Benefit Level and its price. 


Click on button Add to Cart. Follow screens to click on button Apply and sign up.


Complete and submit application. An email will be generated for you for follow up instructions. 

I’m a policyholder. I need help!

Follow the instructions in the email you received. Keep member card handy!

Call Customer Service Phone: 1-800-657-8205


Call us at 1-407-792-6060 or leave message below.
We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Who are the providers of the plans?

AccidentWise insurance CriticalGuard Critical Illness Insurance Plans
unitedhealth Hospital SafeGuard Vision Insurance Plans - Dental insurance plans