International Travelers Medical and Travel Safety Insurance
Atlas Essential Plan for Family
WordTrips – Tokio Marine HCC & Lloyd’s
travel anywhere in the world
International Travelers Health and Travel Safety – Atlas Essential Plan for Family
When you are traveling abroad from your home country, alone or with family, you need medical and travel protection for your health and travel safety. Tokio Marine HCC MIS offers international medical essential insurance plans in each of the following two categories:
- Your worldwide trip includes U.S. or U.S. Territories as a destination country, or
- Your worldwide trip excludes U.S or U.S Territories as a destination country.
The two categories are priced different for the same benefits of travel insurance.
Eligibility for Plans
- US. Citizens and Non-U.S Citizens who are at least 14 days of age and traveling outside of their home countries, except as provided under home country coverage.
- Plans are available with limited benefits of Overall Maximum Limit for age group 80+, for age group 70 to 79, and below 70.
- If you are a US citizen, your home country is always the United States, regardless of the location of your principal residence.
- If you are not a U.S. citizen, home country is the country where you principally reside and receive regular mail.
- These plans are not available to individuals who are physically located in the states of New York, Maryland, or Washington in the USA; and in the countries of Canada or Australia at time of purchase.
Brief features of the plans
- Coverage Period. The period of coverage for medical expenses due to illness and accident is from the moment you depart from your home country and stay abroad to the moment of your arrival back to home country. In addition to medical coverage, the policy also covers emergencies like:
- emergency medical evacuation,
- repatriation of remains, local burial or cremation, accidental death and dismemberment,
- terrorism,
- crisis response like ransom, personal belongings, emergency reunion, bedside visit, return of minor children, pet return, political evacuation, trip interruption, lost checked luggage, travel delay, emergency dental, natural disaster, hospital indemnity, and personal liability.
- Home Country Coverage: While certificate is in effect, the benefit period does not apply. Upon termination of the certificate of coverage period within departure and arrival back to your home country, you have an extended coverage of a Benefit Period of up to 90 days beginning on the first day of diagnosis or treatment of Injury or illness you sustained abroad.
- Incidental Home Country Coverage. In addition to coverage abroad, your policy covers ‘Incidental home country coverage’ in case you make incidental trip(s) back to your home country:
- For U.S. home country. It is maximum of 15 days per three-month period of coverage.
- For non-U.S. home country. It is maximum of 30 days for any three-month period, and then you continue with your international travels and stay abroad.
- The policy does not cover you if you get back to your home country with the purpose to obtain treatment of an illness or injury you sustained abroad.
- Certificate Period. It is period of time beginning on the date, time of certificate effective date, ending on the date, and time of the certificate termination date. Coverage period is available from minimum of 5 days to maximum 364 days. Thereafter, you need to buy new insurance. However, you can do extensions and renewals online in your Client Zone account.
Review details of plans
Following publications explain scope, benefits, exclusions, and limitations of the two available plans:
- Insurance Product Information: Gives quick information on scope of the two plans.
- Atlas Essential Plan: This is Description of Coverage which gives specimen policy details.
Healthcare Providers
These plans come with worldwide network of healthcare providers who offer you discounted medical costs and out-of-pocket expenses, besides it is significant to use providers in the networks so as to get discounted services and processing of your medical claims the Insurance. Reach out to following network of providers to search for providers. Since participation in networks in dynamic, do call to check and verify for appointments.
- Worldwide network on healthcare providers affiliated with Tokio-Marine HCC
- FirstHealth and Cofinity are the affiliated PPO networks within the U.S.
- For dental care providers in the U.S.: Use Dentemax to start your search for dentists.
- For non-U.S. travels: There are no PPO networks outside USA. You may use Allianz Care to locate physicians. However, you may use any medical practitioner at your discretion, pay for services and have bills reimbursed.
Preparation before you leave your country and How to File Claims
It is important that you familiarize yourself with all steps involved to medical help or travel risks help before you leave your country to tour or live abroad. Do preparations for international travel and learn how to file insurance claims for reimbursement of travel and medical coverages.
I want to sign up. How should I go about it?

Open instructions here to steps through sign up Open instructions

Open Quote and sign up window here on Tokio Marine HCC site. Quote and Sign up here

In field “Will your trip include US or US territories as a destination country?

In field “Will your trip include US or US territories as a destination country?

Enter Date Coverage Should Begin, Date Coverage Should End, Birth dates of applicant, spouse, and child/children (must be less than 18).

Click on GET QUOTE.

From dropdown, select Maximum and Deductible, and click on button Next. Follow prompts and submit application. You will receive email confirmation.

Follow instruction in the email.
I just signed up. Now What?

An email arrives in your Inbox from Tokio Marine HCC MIS. Read instructions and save this email.

Go over the policy and understand its scope, benefits, and limitations.

Find doctor you want to visit, make appointment, and settle fee payment arrangements.
Text us at 1-407-792-6060 (U.S.) or leave message below.
We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.