Term Life SafeGuard



Optional Critical Illness cash out

For Individuals



What is Term Life with Optional Critical Illness Plan?

Term Life insurance policy has been integrated with optional 50% cash out of benefit of Term Life due to occurrence of Critical Illness during the currency of the policy. Premiums on balance of 50% of Term Life policy drop due to payment of cash out due to critical illness. The assigned beneficiary of the Term Life policy gets the balance of 50% of benefit upon death of the Term Life policy holder. Provision (rider) of optional critical illness helps the policy holder to offset expenses during stage of critical illness.

UnitedHealthcare® offers two categories of Term Life insurance plans at entry into plan:

  • 10-Year Plans: Issue age group is 18-59.
  • 20-Year Plans: Issue age group is 18-49.
  • Term Life Benefit: Available from $25,000 to $200,000.
  • Eligibility for End Date: 75th

Optional Critical Illness Cash Out

50% of the selected Term Life benefit is paid to the beneficiary upon diagnosis of critical illness in following situations after waiting period of 30 days of Effective Date.
Carcinoma in Site; Coma; Coronary Artery Bypass Graft; Heart Attack or Stroke; Life-threating Cancer (diagnosed more than 90 days after Effective Date of policy); Loss of Hearing, Speech, or Vision; Major Organ Transplant; Paralysis; Renal (kidney) Failure; Terminal Illness.

Details of Plans:  Open brochure here.

Exclusion and Limitations:   As given in the brochure.

I want to sign up. How should I go about?

Open Quote and Sign up here on the UnitedHealtcare® site. Quote and Sign up here
Fill the form and click on See Quotes.
Navigate and click on tab Term Life, you see two plans, Plan-A and Plan-B. You can compare these plans by checking the buttons Compare, and then click Compare at the bottom of display. This is quick tabular display of compared plans.
For the selected plan, click on button Add to Cart. Follow screens to Apply and sign up. You will get email to download policy with instructions.

I’m a Policy Holder, I need help!

Follow the instructions in the email you received. Keep member card handy!

Call Customer Service Phone: 1-800-657-8205


Call us at 1-407-792-6060 or leave message below.
We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Who are the providers of the plans?

AccidentWise insurance CriticalGuard Critical Illness Insurance Plans
unitedhealth Hospital SafeGuard Vision Insurance Plans - Dental insurance plans